Review by Daniel Lima It’s always disappointing to see a fantastic premise squandered. Based on a children’s book, The Furry Fortune had amazing potential as an odd, light-hearted, high-concept family film. That potential goes unrealized. Even by the standards of low-budget family entertainment, this is one of the shoddiest, laziest attempts at a comedy I’ve had the furry misfortune of watching. A young brother and sister discover that the family dog has suddenly begun to shed money when it is happy. As the down-on-their-luck family begins to enjoy this infinite money exploit, they draw the ire of their new neighbors, a jerk IRS agent and his jerk son. As wondrous as the canine’s ability is, however, it might prove that his greatest superpower is how he brings the family together. This is a crowdfunded family-friendly indie, and its meager budget certainly shows. A low budget is not an inherently bad thing, but the days of an ultra low-budget movie like Manos: The Hands of Fate — when the restrictions of shooting on film required a certain amount of forethought and consideration simply to capture an image — have since passed. In the age where the raw capture of a digital sensor is considered good enough, a film like The Furry Fortune seemingly cannot afford simple film craft like framing, blocking, and lighting. There is no visual ingenuity beyond keeping people in frame and in focus, no attempt to communicate a story visually, much less attempt visual comedy. The blandness calls attention to the awful production design, which makes the supposedly beleaguered but lived-in family home look like the two-day studio rental space it probably is. The result is a film with the misé-en-scene of an early morning infomercial. Worse still is the editing. This is an alleged comedy, and so the camera often lingers a beat or two longer on every joke than it ought to, almost as if to give the audience time to laugh. This approach actively undermines the jokes, giving them nothing but dead air to die on, rather than establishing a defined and deliberate rhythm that would accentuate all the zingers. All that empty space leads to the film — only eighty-six minutes including credits — feeling crushingly, agonizingly long.
It doesn’t help that precious little actually happens. Rather than focus on the magic dog that sheds money himself, The Furry Fortune is structured around the hijinks that the magic dog inspires, which boils down to montages where the family buys stuff, hides money, and the neighbors investigate the family. For a movie about a dog that sheds money, the film is studiously unimaginative in teasing out that scenario, which makes it feel like even more of a slog. As poor as all the fundamental craft elements are, if the film actually managed to land a joke here and there, that wouldn’t be an issue. Sadly, even by the low standards of direct-to-video family entertainment, this is a pointedly laughless affair. Almost every line is an attempt at a joke, be it classic setup-punchline, pop culture reference, or just outsized delivery. Each is a resounding dud: the traditional jokes are the kind of tired, hack material you’d expect from a parody of family entertainment (one cutting jibe is “pineapple doesn’t go on pizza!”), the references are out of place and remind you of better ways you could spend your time, and the hammy performances quickly become irritating. Comedy is subjective, but it’s hard to imagine someone writing this and being satisfied, much less seeing it through to completion as-is. As torturous as sitting through this film was, there have been theatrically released studio comedies this year, with many times the resources of an indie like this, that are just as devoid of film craft and comic sensibility. It costs nothing, however, to write a good joke, or maintain a tight edit, or at least put the cute dog front and center. Instead, The Furry Fortune settles for putting in the least amount of effort at every turn, and the result is a plodding, uninspired, embarrassing attempt at family fun. The only possible audience for something like this is parents who need something for their kids to watch, and who also hate their kids. The Furry Fortune is available on VOD beginning August 1st. Rating: 1/5
8/5/2023 11:39:54 am
Click bait. Pick a family friendly movie with no studio. Kill indie films by click bad. Pathetic.
8/6/2023 10:13:14 pm
Strange how this movie got rave reviews except for the one from you. I think you had some other alternative for rating this movie so poorly. It was an excellent movie funded by ordinary people and produced independently by a talented group. We need more movies like this and do away with the large corporate movie studios. Indie is better.
Charlet McEvoy
8/8/2023 01:49:34 pm
I thought the Furry Fortune is a good family movie. Must not be up to the raunchiness you were looking for.
Andres Saenz
8/9/2023 12:11:49 pm
“A young brother and sister discover that the family dog has suddenly begun to shed money when it is happy.“
Amanda F
9/21/2023 05:04:48 pm
Daniel is a miserable human, he cant understand this movie, its not his fault
9/20/2023 04:50:16 pm
Daniel Lima, this movie is for kids, you dumb fuck. How miserable, pretentious and angry you must be.
Patrick L
9/21/2023 03:06:24 pm
Daniel Lima. its a kid movie, just go get a life. you must be very miserable on a daily basis to write serious articles like this about a kid movie!
Marie Taylor
9/21/2023 03:13:38 pm
Ok I just checked this retarded clown (Daniel Lima), and each of his review is just a miserable negative one. Its all about "falls short", "fails", "struggles", "bland", "boring", "lacking", etc. This person must really be a happy one to be around. Dear Daniel, stop taking life so seriously and try to be less miserable and negative. If you have nothing nice to say, then please just shut the fuck up, nobody will miss your opinion anyway, you are not a NYTimes journalist.
1/29/2024 10:53:18 pm
One of the best reviews I’ve ever read. Classic. Hillarious. And spot on. This movie is utterly unwatchable - and I will never get those 15 minutes back - but reading this review might help me heal.
Billy bob; ticklecrack
1/29/2024 11:01:12 pm
This review could not be more accurate, I would rather watch paint dry until I die of old age the suffer through another second of this movie. Between the abysmal acting or the terrible script, I don’t know what’s worse. I would sell my soul to get this wasted time back. Save yourself and watch anything else
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