Review by Sean Boelman
Directed by Michael Mazzola, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is the newest documentary featuring ufologist Dr. Steven Greer. Little more than two hours of conspiracy theory and pseudoscience, this painfully dull film proves that not everyone needs access to a competent camera team.
Serving as a sort-of follow-up to two other documentaries featuring Greer, Sirius and Unacknowledged, the movie takes a look at the CE-5 community that is working to initiate close encounters of the fifth kind. Admittedly, there are some interesting ideas deep within the film, but they are buried beneath so many layers of deceit and fallacy that they are nearly impossible to recognize. Much of the movie consists of so-called ‘evidence’ gathered from CE-5 events in which people try to initiate contact with extraterrestrial beings. The end of the film proposes a call to action, highlighting some of the normal people and amateur ufologists around the country and world who are part of this movement to try to figure out what (or who) exists in the universe beyond what is known, and quite frankly, they all come off as ridiculous. Yet no one comes off as poorly in the movie as Greer himself. More often than not, he seems like a false prophet. Although the amount of dedication Greer has put into his research is admirable, one can’t help but feel like the amount of profit he can make from commercializing his theories in a documentary such as this is the real motivating factor for much of it.
There is also a weird portion of the film that leans heavily into the conspiracy theory aspects of ufology. More so than any other part of the movie, this segment is pretty awful. The amount of mistrust that these supposed “whistleblowers and scientific experts” have for the American government goes from something logical to outright contempt.
On a technical level, the film does a decent job of arguing its position if its arguments weren’t so difficult to swallow. For those who already subscribe to Greer’s theories, this movie’s flashy visuals and sleek nature are sure to reinforce their pre-existing ideas on the topic. Otherwise, viewers will be able to see right past this facade. That said, Greer and Mazzola seem much less concerned with making a legitimately interesting documentary, instead focusing on a failed attempt to educate the ‘unconverted’. As a result, the film is a two-hour-long info dump, much longer than any documentary about aliens has the right to be, and extremely boring in turn. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is not a pleasant movie by any means, but it’s almost humorous to watch the level of ridiculousness that proceeds on screen. This film has a very small niche audience that will appreciate it, and otherwise, it should be entirely dismissed. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is now available on DVD. Rating: 1/5
Robbert Zijlstra
5/22/2020 08:32:58 am
You must be a troll. Come on, this review can not be taken seriously. I have two Masters and was a big sceptical, but I've been two times on a trip with Dr. Greer. I can tell you from my own experience it was beyod phenomal what we as group encountered. No words to describe it and all disbelief went out of the window bye bye. So, it is so easy to burn this down from a naief point of view, until you witness is yourself.
3/29/2021 12:51:47 am
You have two masters degrees, but can’t spell skeptical?
3/29/2021 01:35:23 am
Well he has two masters degrees my friend because sceptic is spelt sceptic...not skeptic 🤨 4/21/2021 12:03:54 pm
well, sceptical is correct, now lets look at "naief" naive perhaps, or is that how a person with two masters spells it?
6/19/2021 10:08:20 am
How is it that you are trying to discredit someone because of spelling errors?? I, myself, do not have 2 master's but I am generally a decent speller but I am prone to misspelling words on a keyboard or phone: 1 because of auto correct 2 because sometimes my keyboard switches languages on me and 3 because I don't proof read posts I write on the internet because they are informal. Also I am curious to know what kind of education you (Stan and eddy) have?? Dr.Greer is an ER doctor and I want to say neurosurgeon but I could be wrong about the NS. He has been studying consciousness for most likely longer that you two have been alive and also has worked with CIA, National Defence, and many government officials all over the world. Have either of you gentlemen accomplished anything remotely similar to that?? If you haven't, you don't really have a right to be judging him or his beliefs. Also you should do some of your own reasearchat the very least before you feel the need to put someone down. PS the movie may sound slightly monotone or make you yawn if you have no interest in what you are hearing or if you can not possibly open your mind to new possibilities. The "movie" is actually a documentary that is meant to get information out to anyone who is able to hear and understand it. It is not a Hollywood movie so therefore it is not meant to be a thriller or action packed. Also, do you really think a doctor would jeopardize his whole career and reputation by doing these documentaries simply to earn some extra money?? Have you seen how well doctors are paid??I don't think any person would do that because I guarantee you there are alot more people that treat him just like you do and I can't see how any person would want to live the rest of their life like that unless it was truly something he believed in for the greater good of humanity. Just because you personally haven't experienced anything for yourself it doesn't mean it's not the or it's impossible. That's like saying dark matter and dark energy don't exist. You are free to choose to believe whatever you want but please don't patronize those who are different from you.
Mack Stephens
7/4/2021 03:01:45 pm
All you have to do is read his name to guess that English is his second language. If you want to argue his point, fine, but don't be a jerk.
7/10/2021 10:49:18 pm
It can be spelt both ways… okay, play nice now children….
8/8/2021 12:53:57 am
Skeptic or sceptic:
8/24/2021 09:22:07 pm
His name and spellings are both Dutch. High time English speakers realized that there are non-native English speakers in this world.
9/5/2021 06:22:20 pm
Sceptical is the English (UK) spelling, while Skeptical is the American and Canadian. Just sayin'.
10/11/2021 10:53:35 am
RACHAEL, your comment is very well said.
11/9/2021 02:37:20 pm
How about just going with YOUR feelings after watching this. The reviewer is obviously NSA or some other group whose job it is to disinform and create discord. You are ALL falling right into it! Who cares about this person's Master's Degrees. His spelling of naive is probably French. He probably speaks more languages that all the ATTACKERS combined! Instead of in-fighting and HATE, how about trying to COMMUNICATE! The human race has lost its ability to COMMUNICATE and respect each other, and THAT will be the reason superior beings KEEP US FROM LEAVING THIS PLANET!
12/10/2021 08:21:15 pm
'skeptical' is a perfectly acceptable spelling. It is the preferred spelling in the U.K. and other areas outside of the U.S.
Glenda Pliler
12/20/2021 04:09:39 pm
As a writer, an indifferent speller, and a poor typist, I have long observed that people judge others IQ based on their spelling. The reality is, however, that even professional publishers often miss typos. Spelling may show character when it is someone with a hand-lettered protest sign but not so much under these circumstances, wouldn't you think?
12/31/2021 11:21:05 pm
A prime example why humans do not make more contact with ETs ….. constantly circling the most trivial narratives 1/21/2022 06:16:15 pm
Stan I knew I could count on you and Mr. Sean Bowelman to expose this P.O.S. Steve Greer for what he enemy of the state and an Un-American Fagot. You two are true patriots. I am going to get the the boys from NSA to off this guy ASAP. I hope you boys are getting ready for those ATIF Mo Foe American hating earth destroying aliens that are coming to wipe humanity off the face of the earth: enslaving the ones that are left and eating our children. WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER! Keep believing and bowing down to me and my cronies and we will welcome you and yours into the promise land after we win every war that we always start with nukes and lies to the people. After all this crap about being kind, honest, benevolent, and loving is over I promise that we the leaders (and the puppeteers that control us) will enslave you and then have our ways with your wives and your children (don't believe any of that crap about the lot of us being pedo's) finally ending in your painful torturous deaths...but not before we kill you family in front of you. Thanks again boys and don't ever forget the BS we tell you is always the truth.
Ham Mercier
2/23/2022 08:41:45 am
The spelling 'skeptic' is American English. Everyone else has always spelled it with a c...'sceptic'. 3/13/2022 04:02:07 am
Hilarious that Eddy Roman was trying to sound smart by discrediting the gentleman above with two masters but sounded so ignorant in the process because naif or naief is also spelled naive and I copied the link above for those who still have something smart to say! Who discredits or judges someone based on a spelling, grammatical or error of typing otherwise? This is a rhetorical question, I know, but gosh people can be so ignorant sometimes that it's just annoying. Everyone makes typing errors and spelling and sends it before you realize it or autocorrect messes up your word for you! Your just a liar or big weirdo if you say different. Get a life you judgemental bunch of imbeciles!
4/21/2022 10:29:40 pm
Or naive. hahahahah
Robert Kennedy
5/9/2022 01:02:32 am
Very good comeback you idiot and he's exactly right almost every review that you read about cuts down somebody else's work the same in movies if you see a bad review go see it because it's probably a five-star movie just like this gentleman Dr Steven Greer has put his life into this work and you I don't know I'm just going to let you just figure it out good luck
6/26/2022 12:18:36 pm
Dear Stan,
7/19/2022 05:48:51 pm
yeh, we all know people who are not overly vigilante about spelling in reactng to a dim, unhelpfully inaccurate film review can't be intelligent. Steven Greer is the go-to guy for anybody (like presidents and top officials in a intelligence agencies) with serious interest in this subject.
7/31/2022 06:53:53 pm
Well if someone with 2 masters degrees says it's good then as a poorly educated guy who types my name with only the letters needed to spell it, who am I to disagree, it would be well above my station to challenge such authority, luckily I disagree with the original review and agree with our well educated friend, I wouldn't be surprised if greer is bang on the money, but my education is poor so disregard my veiws, I'm not credible enough to even see a ufo these days
Dave Edmonds
9/1/2022 11:20:40 pm
"was a big sceptical " I think he meant to say 'was a big sceptic' or else 'was a bit sceptical'
Grant Molyneux
9/4/2022 08:51:35 am
Who needs to spell to get two masters degrees?
10/2/2022 06:00:56 pm
How stupid average American. Always judging based on colour(check my spelling too). You should come out of your over confident face, think what you really know or worth of. I came here with curious mind thinking why they are asking for $10 for the app if they are actually real (I wanted to see what is there in the app...all absurd or something interesting). That's the reason I don't buy their arguments. But yours reasoning is just of a stupid. Based on your own limited knowledge and assumption that if you spell right up to your expectations, them only you have intelligence.
D Joyce
11/14/2022 11:43:14 pm
And you claim to know so much but sonehow missed that you can spell that word both ways -- skeptical and sceptical.
12/17/2022 05:49:32 pm
I em goin 2 spel rong on porpise. Dr Greers doc was absolutely well done, he got his message across like a man with a lifetime dedication and passion could only do. Trolls will be trolls and ultimately trolls think they are better than all society and they don't realize how uneducated and ignorant they sound. With that said, I recommend this documentary to all with an open mind and minor understanding of the universe in which we reside. I 100% signed up for the app, paid the $10 and will study up on the subject, if it can help in my meditation some, I've got something worth my $10. But looking forward to the goal CE5 presents for us earthlings. GOD bless all.
2/9/2023 10:21:24 pm
You have totally destroyed him, Mr spelling wizard! This must be so embarrassing for him
Robert Coyle
2/20/2023 02:13:22 pm
Two spellings UK and USA both are correct
Robert E Spencer
2/23/2023 01:20:44 am 3/14/2023 06:37:32 am
You guys are ridiculous smashing Dr Greers studies and life experiences. Did either of you take multiple near assignation attempts to make available something you were passionate about , other than learning to pick at people over simple spelling mistakes. I'd say you're a liberal . Well I'm one of his readers, supporters or should I say, of his small niche audience here in the Florida Panhandle, only 100,000 here locally. Maybe you should pull your big boy pants up, yes I mean Stan and Robert, what's the basis of your research? Please elaborate!
Ebus McCane
3/23/2023 05:12:28 pm
The issue for the majority of people interested in the ufo/uap problems that there is Sooo much crazy nonsense!! And individuals like Mr Greer who is a spokesperson, presenter, entrepreneur, experiencer, theorist and who knows what else, who are constantly pushing new stuff at us. He constantly is name dropping, calling out lies by many people he doesn’t like and making these enormous OUTRAGEOUS claims (US nuclear bombs exploded on the moon) unsupported by ANY possible evidence! He reminds me of George Santos in congress. This man is demonstrably out of line. I’m not out to insult him, but he’s in the media drawing as much attention as possible to himself with this crap. He just needs to shut up. He’s definitely damaging the ufo field. He makes everyone connected with these problems look like delusional kooks. It’s embarrassing. Then he tears up and weeps in his videos. Jeeze. This is not science based. I just can’t even watch him anymore. He wasn’t too bad before 2012. But he’s off his meds now and I cringe every time I see him or hear his arrogant voice. He should be evaluated and committed to a hospital.
4/1/2023 08:40:31 pm
Regardless of how a person spells something via text by means of a phone, PC, Tablet, and so on, doesn't discredit their educational level, credentials, or expertise in something. Some people dictate via talk to text, and the system misspells a lot. You must not have used that method yet, otherwise, you'd know what we're talking about. Chiefly autocorrect, which definitely goes to show how flawed technology (and humanity) is and can be. They are flawed, errored even, and therefore technology is also for that very reason.
4/2/2023 01:57:49 pm
I have been following Dr.greer's work for nearly a yr or so. As an ER doc, he doesn't need to take interest in these ufo or uap stuffs but he did he has lost his friends colleagues to publish this documentary. And if u "stan" had properly watched, grasped the DOCUMENTARY before writing your review. there were lot of government officials involved in disclosure project. They all are sworn oath to secrecy despite which they came forward to let people know the presence of aliens. And the ce5 projects are held in groups. He clearly doesn't see uap's as threat nor does he advice people under false beliefs and creates panic. He's just casting light on something which has to be known for people which was hidden by government. Looking from your review I can sense the dim-wittedness, lack of perspective, or perhaps a brain. I suggest you to give legit reviews after doing your research and not to mislead people.
Eric Smith
6/23/2023 04:23:27 pm
Ppppffffth!!! Spell that Stan
Lance Sayles
7/8/2023 04:25:51 am
He still can't spell naive, beyond, or phenomenal or bit.
7/25/2023 10:41:49 am
Skeptic and sceptic are one and the same. sorry i have no degree
8/4/2023 07:45:03 pm
We are arguing about spelling while discussing alien contacts? I misspell and cannot count perfectly even though I fascinated by quantum physics. We do not need to spell properly to be wise, to be intelligent and have common sense.
8/5/2023 12:08:50 pm
Skeptic is spelled skeptic in the US and Canada. Most other parts of the world it is spelled sceptic/ sceptical.
8/14/2023 03:37:54 pm
No one cares about the spelling, I write slang constantly.
Bob Loblaw
10/11/2023 05:59:48 pm
"Sceptic" is the British version of spelling. In North America, we spell it Skeptic. That being said, if Greer was truly as informed and in the know as he likes to remind anyone who will listen to him for hours on end is concerned, surely he's have presented ALL the evidence he claims to have right? Please don't give me this shiite that he has in all his documentaries because he hasn't! He makes some pretty grand and bold claims and each is promised to be revealed in the next film he produces, yet they're never shown let alone discussed.
12/4/2023 08:33:01 pm
Oh, Jesus people! Are we going there! Are you all going to have a pising match over dictionary when there is this on the table?
luciano prisco
12/10/2023 09:47:47 pm
naif and skeptic are corrrect
Peter O’Brien
12/11/2023 04:18:59 am
In the near future, I hope trolls etc will be unable to deny the existence of what the majority see. Human growth in process.
Phil Harmonic
1/3/2024 05:35:09 pm
He can’t form a paragraph apparently- I count at least 4 misspelled words and zero punctuation.
Oscar Camilo
7/9/2021 04:05:20 am
sounds like your two Masters prevents you brain from thinking critically
11/1/2021 07:00:33 am
I did not believe anything and used to ridicule people who did until I had sighting in Croatia years ago,to this day can not explain what I saw but it was no damn airplane or anything like that nor was I tripping because at least 7 others saw it too,do not mock or put down people because you do not believe,this is the problem with critical thinking,tell me,can you prove life does not exist anywhere else??
1/17/2022 07:40:31 am
Prevents *YOUR* brain….not “YOU” brain. 🤦♂️ Case in point for all of the other attacks on misspelled words and linking that to someone’s IQ, and/or ability to critically think. In a world where people lick toilet seats and eat laundry detergent pods as a “challenge”…misspelling a word or two in a review should not bring into question someone’s overall IQ or ability to CRITICALLY THINK (something that obviously waved BYE BYE 👋 to 90% of Americans sometime between Obama and Trump…or perhaps even before that).
4/1/2023 10:26:38 pm
So now posting under another assumed name makes insulting the same person and others acceptable? Wow! And nice to see that you guys made it possible for only certain comments to be replied to. Favoritism gets you no Deutsche marks either. Just sayin'. Have a nice life.
Roland Leisenring
7/31/2021 09:36:11 pm
You may be right , but I think Dr. Greer is considered somewhat of a charlatan by many of his peers. I’ve heard Lex laugh him off. He seems to be motivated by $$$$$ . There is some sketchy info online about his stock portfolio . So I’m Leary about his methods , as if aliens are out there waiting for us to meditate about them.
Troy Kish
1/17/2022 08:14:39 am
If they can fly across the universe then you’d think it possible for them to hear everything.
Robert Amaya
8/15/2022 11:52:55 pm
It's fake and he's selling it really good. Those photos can be made by setting the shutter speed on all digital cameras. One can even make ghostly figures on digital and on film cameras. The lights in sky off beach has been debunked by flight record's being flares from plane flying around same area around that time frame. Sad to know he's taking advantage of people by making them believe and charging everyone $$$ for his meditation outings and for his seminars. #onlyhumans #wtfearth #awefultruth
4/1/2023 11:26:46 pm
I do not know who this Lex is. Nor do I know anything about his life or stock portfolio. Whatever that may be. I may have to have a look-see. Until then, I do my own research and draw my own conclusions based on that, and what resonates. All with an impartial objective mindset. It's only right.
8/12/2021 12:56:24 pm
Like Maria Orsic ?
Marilyn Saltus
8/16/2021 08:01:24 pm
8/17/2021 09:31:58 pm
hey! thanks for this reply and challening this guys claims!
Alex Coulter
8/22/2021 10:12:35 pm
The main issue I have with the film is the way Greer talks objectively as though these incredible things he is saying are non debatable facts that he has a 100% understanding of. He never once simply says ‘I or we believe that…’ instead just stating things factually as though it is not even debatable in any form or way. For instance it is going along nicely on a light kind of making you think way mixing in some genuine science with some more questionable statements, and then it comes up with something very very very extraordinary and casually states it as fact. Without extraordinary evidence, or any evidence in fact - at all. Surely this is where you spend the next 10/15 mins delving into the evidence and concepts behind the purported ‘understanding’, but unfortunately no, it then just moved on!!! And no the photos used in places don’t constitute any sort of evidence. These overexposed shots aren’t even cross examined in the film by a photo ‘expert’. Come on, even in 1990 we had that stuff in UFO films.
Michael H
10/27/2021 04:42:56 am
>>>The main issue I have with the film is the way Greer talks objectively as though these incredible things he is saying are non debatable facts that he has a 100% understanding of.<<<
11/9/2021 02:45:52 pm
For what branch of the secret government do you work Alex Coulter? Why nothing but constantly saying there is no evidence? I watched this objectively. You watched with your NSA mindset and disinformation and discord rhetoric. One thing Greer is 100% RIGHT about is that the secret governments and the elite do NOT want the common People to be the ambassadors of humanity and take away their self-perceived POWER!
12/10/2021 08:43:38 pm
Really appreciate your comments, both the substance and that they inspired so many other great comments/observations. I know myself to be easily persuaded. That said, I watched the documentary(?)and was entirely intrigued! Not bored! My takeaway was to 1) stay open to the probability that some of what Greer presented was true, 2) seek other sources on consciousness research, CE5's, ET research, and 3) not be surprised if we see some or all of Greer's "facts" totally debunked —with such poor debunking that it actually gives credence to Greer's ET reality framework.. What is the current thinking about the probability that we are the first and greatest and perhaps even the only intelligent species in the cosmos? I'm not a scientist but, surely, we are not alone. So?
dan hardy
1/18/2022 12:25:31 pm
The final straw for me was the claim of crop circles appearing (and being filmed).
Robert Amaya
8/16/2022 12:02:42 am
Good for you and your smart enough not to fall for it. He's selling it good though making it very believable and having others which are in on it as well make anyone and everyone believe. He should be taken to court on class action law suit for fraud. Who knows how much money he's taking from people and continuing still. #stupidhumans #wtfearth #fraud
12/11/2022 05:23:54 pm
Liked your dissection of some of his inconsistencies and fallacies. I would also like to know how come in his earlier YouTube videos he never mentioned his contacts with aliens (post 2018) but put a lot of energy putting forward the hiding of ufo evidence by the government . I would think that if you possessed that knowledge then, you would have talked about it no? Also, in his emotional moments in the beginning of the video, he cries because of having suicidal thoughts but later on claims to have dispelled fear of death through his enlightenment of consciousness.
Nate Payton
2/14/2023 08:04:46 pm
I have a childhood friend that I’m afraid has allowed his mind to descend into a place of absolutely irrational thought. I based a lot of my belief in conspiracy in Dr. Greer until I learned that his “congressional” hearing was a farce put on by former congressmen sone removed from office in the 1980s & were all paid $20,000 to partake. I need help exposing Greer as fraudulent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edward Lewis
2/20/2023 10:22:46 pm
I haven't;; actually I probably have seen that documentary, but I am currently watching through a 2 hour long documentary and I've seen the Unacknowledged docs;
8/29/2021 11:11:07 pm
Yes, it was "beyod phenomal." And I agree; it is "naief" to burn this down until "you witness is yourself."
9/1/2021 10:56:57 pm
Have you written your stories? I’d be interested. Greys? Painful or cool? I would love to have a sighting let alone interaction! Un acknowledged was incredible IMO. I don’t think the recent rush of ufo docs and classified leaks has to be the beginning of disclosure. Has to be. But I have heard Greer is money motivated - but who isn’t. And yeah many illustrations and pics are sensational recreations to keep it going but it’s clear what’s actual footage for the most part. I was looking for a new one I thought called hoax or something but can’t find it
1/17/2022 07:55:09 am
Again with the quippy and sarcastic remarks about spelling…? Lol and you’re an “habitual abductee”…? First and lastly, if you ARE a habitual abductee as you so claim, why don’t you put your proof out there instead of childishly attacking two misspelled words? Do you have the words “Not Sure” tattooed on your arm…?
Lee Harrison
9/19/2021 08:31:46 am
I unequivocally agree ……though I’m not as credible as you, seeing as I only have a Bachelors and have yet to be so lucky to get a seat to one of his “SOLD OUT” CE5 events. (Haha yea sold out, the email’s letting me know I made it off the waitlist to the event this weekend in Colorado we’re in my spam folder :(
10/11/2021 11:02:18 am
Lee Harrison, people are jealous and it's always been like this. If someone makes money, well, he is a fraud. If someone is poor, well, he's a lazy bum.
10/26/2021 03:56:29 pm
Very well said. I can't agree 2ith u more. Dr. Greer is an amazing man. And more men out there should strive to be more like him. He has a beautiful soul and every word he speaks he speaks with pure passion. I only wish that I could be that awakened and in tune with my consciousness. All we can do is bless those people that have closed minds and their ignorance and hope that one day that they will see the truth and they'll be able to be mature and willing to know the truth. Because the truth is coming. It will all be shown very very soon. We are very blessed to be on this planet right now and to be a witness of what's about to happen.
7/31/2022 06:11:39 pm
Personally I like this, I got 0 masters degrees, my spelling is crap, I could barely afford the tinfoil for a hat, and if I ever had an encounter with anything of interest regarding ET's or saw a ufo I would need to either make sure a member of the police military or someone classified as a credible witness saw it too, I doubt even a crystal clear video on my phone would suffice for some, but even now experienced scientists and doctors, pilots, police, and high ranking military people are coming forward completely removing the ufo nut job excuse used for years some people still won't allow themselves to be open to the possibility that we don't know and definitely don't understand everything in the universe, and much of what this film states might be fact,
bernadette kendrick
1/29/2023 10:17:21 am
so why is he charging £8.99 for the app? That is not 'loving & giving'. If you want to meditate on the the beauty of the universe and what it has to give, you do not need to pay £8.99 to join a silly cult!
Gisele Martinez
6/3/2023 04:28:13 pm
I have been trying to meet Dr. Greer. I tty but nothing. I was six years old when i first would go to the roof in my birth country cuba i sneak out lay on the grown and look at the start it fascinated me. I would like go to sleep or just listen to open your eyes all this in my head this for a child should shuck them Not me is like i met this thing before i was not afraid. Another time i was kindergarten, i don't know the hrs but at lunch time you went home eat and mom said you go siesta. I was not sleepy i fought but finally i went to bed mom was ironing in the same room so i won't scape typical of me. There was a. Neighbor sitting and they began to speak. I became calm sleepy after a bit since i wanted to scape i began to call my friend said i can't scape suddenly a soft very slow movement side to side and as this soft movement continued i so i was in the ceiling of my home they were high with beams you know old houses in latin countries. I could see mom ironing the lady talking to her but i could on hear then like far. I began to laugh softly, and began to descent down with the same movement i started slowly side to side but before touching down it became slow soft to side to side a be faster like a. Landing. I remember feeling butterflies in my belly i softly laugh from the tickled.
Doug Mitrovic
9/28/2021 04:10:41 pm
Just because you say you are who you are, we're supposed to believe it? No Greer is a pathological liar it's so obvious it's cartooney. It's all sad sensational alien grifting garbage.
Chavon Jacqueline Austin
10/26/2021 03:58:40 pm
I pray for you. I hope one day you can open your mind and see the truth. Or you will be left behind with the darkness low frequency beings. But I pray for you and I pray for anybody else that's like you. It's sad I feel sorry for you.
Jim Mcluhan
11/1/2021 09:56:13 pm
Hi Doug,I long ago came to the same conclusion on the pathological liar appraisal. How was that so obvious for you? For me it was simply recognizing the similarities and pattern between Greer and others i know who match the characterization. Cartooney is great descriptive.
12/10/2021 08:54:33 pm
Wow! We all need to take a deep look into our own perceptual screens here.
Hate it for the clueless
2/22/2023 01:06:30 pm
It sounds like you are a pathological idiot. You don't have to be educated or anything to see that we have some very corrupt criminals in our government and they do what ever they want and get away with it. They killed JFK over the alien and UFO secret. And what our Government is about to do next its not going to matter wether you believe or not you could still die if you get caught in the middle of it. Weather Von Braun said on his death bed that the government is going to blame everything terrorist and then domestic terrorist and then they are going to blame the aliens. That means our government is going to attack Americans with a false alien attack using our own secret UFO crafts with some of them we have had since the 50s or 60s. Our government has done a lot of evil things to protect this alien secret and its obvious that they have and there are still people that just don't get it but, if aliens had landed in the stadium at the Super Bowl and talked everyone there and watching on TV and told us all that they are real. You would still have a bunch of thick headed people that can't make themselves believe it. I do feel sorry for you and those thick heads that don't have a clue. We are capable of so very much more than anyone would believe but it's the truth I hope you are able to come around so that you don't miss out on anything or so that it doesn't cause you any problems when the truth comes out and it's coming hard and fast that is for sure cause something has to change cause our government is destroying the earth and they know what to do or they know the right thing to do let's see what they do cause if they make the wrong choice then it doesn't matter wether you believe or not something bad is going to happen. I don't understand why our government has to turn everything into a war machine. I don't wish anything bad on anyone I just ask that those that think it's ridiculous then please do some real investigating and check everyone's pount of view out in the process so you know both sides and the info is out there that will tell you the alien conspiracy is a real conspiracy and I am willing to bet if we could find out every single detail of everything that has been done or that we are doing and any other truths it would truly blow all of our MIinds and all we can do is wonder how did we become so naive. Everyone truly needs to come together as one as soon as we can because our Government is supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the people or something like that. We need to force the media and Goverment to change some things because there is nothing about the statement above that is true anymore. What's sad is our president doesn't have any power when comes to this subject and one's that have tried to get control were taken our. I wish the best for us all. Sorry about the idiot thing there are a lot of people just like you that are truly what I would call the sensible type but it's not going to be right in this subject it would be better to just be open minded regardless of everything we have been taught since we were born. I get it! It's hard to put all that side and forget about it. Good Luck! 9/28/2021 06:51:33 pm
If this dr steve guy has really found a way to contact aliens. I don’t think the aliens would appreciate him telling the world how to do it and him profiting off it
1/17/2022 08:04:06 am
Assuming there are “aliens” or interstellar beings/life forms visiting earth…what the mother of GOD convinces YOU(a human being of average intelligence) that you can even REMOTELY understand their motives/concepts/ideas or anything else? Let alone what an ET “appreciates”? Just laughable stuff 😂
Michael L
2/26/2023 02:02:45 pm
It costs money to make those apps & documentaries and it's going to take ALOT of money to do what he's trying to do in breaking through the facade the military industrial complex has created and forces us to live in. Those 1% that control 99.999%. He's not buying yachts & eating caviar with any money made from anything he does. It's ALL going towards the fight to bring us, as a people, to the conscious &: technological level we should currently be at - which is 80+ yrs behind where it should be. Don't believe the garbage you hear or read that discredits him or what he's trying to do. The powers that be have admittedly engaged in false information & smearing campaigns for as long as they've been in power. And they will do anything to keep that power & keep us consciously locked up, fighting with each other & focusing on anything else besides trying to escape their prison. They do this because they are really afraid & know that if we actually stopped fighting & united to combat their agenda we could take them down. We have the numbers. By an overwhelming majority. Unfortunately too many haven't realized how they have been manipulated their entire lives to think a certain way & believe a certain way and haven't spent the time to really research & learn the facts about this subject. It's easy to tell from all these responses who those are that have opened their consciousness to the bigger picture & what truly matters & those who are still closed off & worried about likes on Twitter or what celebrity is wearing what.
Enki Priest
10/7/2021 06:37:00 pm
Another liar spotted. Someone with two master degrees would know orthography.
10/14/2021 03:44:20 pm
Well said. I am a space lover. I only have a 70 dollar telescope but since I live on a mountain with no light pollution I see quite a bit with it. Im saving for a better one. I have seen a few things I cannot explain in it..and one night my coworker and I were watching a meteor shower at work. I was there by myself the first 30 min of it. I saw a round light right above the trees..on the tree tops. I was in a daze staring at it. I thought at first it was a drone. Someone was trying to maybe film the meteor shower..not likely but its all I could think of. The light was didn't bounce was rather small. My coworker arrived and sat down next to me and I said look and pointed and we both just stared at it for a while. It then shot straight up into the sky at a speed I can barely comprehend..way past the moon ..and it was gone. We both sat quietly not saying a word for like an hour. The next day it was sort of a I remember what we saw of course but idk its hard to I viewed it from outside my own body or something..I ask her about it and she said yeah that was really weird and we never talked about it again lol I live near a plant that sees a ton of unexplained phenomenon..its pretty well documented online. It use to be a nuclear plant but supposedly isn't is a pretty famous one so some may know where I am talking about. The universe is huge..more than we can wrap our heads around. Just the size of the sun alone is hard to understand. I believe in NDEs and we are spiritual is it that far fetched? Not to me! I understand why some have a hard time with it though.
12/17/2022 06:09:59 pm
I'm guessing Brown Mountain. Also I admire your open mind, as I to am open minded, by no means do I think we are alone in this universe nor do I think the world is flat, in my opinion we definetly live in a physical/spiritual reality and there's plenty not told to the masses that is really out there. All my beliefs and theories are "in my opinion". I don't push it on others and I expect others to be open minded , but so many are not. For example, started hearing online that there are some that can't think in images, or have their conscious narrating the day, with that said and believing that, these folks can't have an open mind, therefore they troll. Unimaginative people all around us, it's sad actually, I believe it's in the sodas and the food that shut off the pineal abilities. Well I'm rambling. If u read this far and have not seen Dr Greers documentary, ur missing out on knowledge from a man passionate in his beliefs and only wants others to experience to.
10/27/2021 09:01:50 pm
Hey man I think you are misguided by arrogance. It’s a slight arrogance and I can see that you don’t want to be arrogant and I don’t give a f*** about spelling errors. You’re clearly intelligent and I believe you do have 2 masters degrees. Just bc you have that shouldn’t make your testimony or your judgement more valid or qualified to tell somebody they must be a troll and that your opinion is trying to smash that guy and take him down. And Greer is the most arrogant scumbag I have ever seen. The man is a straight up liar and that’s not up to debate, listen to Hal Puttoff or Seth shostek and how he misleads with “I briefed the presidents” when he only did a briefing. The UFO story is out there with or without this man and I oromise you that when you take a look at that man it’s going to piss you off dude. My family is talked about in this documentary and I’m ok with proving that to you. I know my own family and Dr Greer whole life is a deception, he lied to and about my family and it absolutely hurt me and seeing who he really is made me feel like such an idiot . Even his marriage, he’s on Grinder man and the app is on his phone. He talks down to people and has contempt for them but he needs them to get his attention he craves, he’s clearly lost his mind. I promise every man who reads this and looks out to check the things that I laid out here will see what I’m saying. I don’t want to name drop like Greer does. Even with your experience that sounds amazing and positive and I urge you to keep it abd thank you for sharing it. We don’t know much about this phenomenon that is other worldly . I’ve had such a horrible experience that I’m too much of a coward to put it out there but not bc I fear criticism. I’m afraid to face it by typing it out right now. It was deeply disturbing and this stuff is real. I have the dubious privilege to know that it is real. But I also know Dr Steven M Greer isnt real, just a fraud treating us like suckers that he is so much better than. You’re going to hate this guy lol. You’d kick his ass if you saw him at a Whole Foods or wherever that arrogant liar who claims they offrrrd him 2 billion dollars to stop and didn’t take it when he’s telling everyone that their NDA’s aren’t legal and then he makes you sign an NDA. You have an MBA and you’re under an NDA. If you speak about your experience then get ready bc that old lying piece of shit spinning off ridiculous claims and setting up 3 businesses that are all scams man and you will see if you just look at it. Glad you had your experience but I don’t think it was him that brought it to you. He takes you to ufo hotspots for a week and plants little seeds of a possible no-show and “it’s because someone in the group has bad intentions.” Bro if he said that shit to me Id of slapped the skin off his arrogant face and y’all should put a man in his place when you hear shit like that. We all want to believe, me and you have experiences that changed our lives and we know it’s real, but cut Dr Greer out of it. Speak up on him when you know he’s conning people and a rotten soul with nothing to beg arrogant about but lies. It’s the right and responsible thing to do. THIS MAN IS A FRAUD GUYS AND IM SORRY FOR HAVING TO TELL YOU WHAT KIND OF DANGEROUS FRAUDULENT SHIT HE IRRESPONSIBLY SPEWS ONTO US ALL AND ITS LITERALLY ALL BULLSHIT AND THATS THE 1 THING YOU’LL KNOW WHEN YOU LOOK AT HIM FAIRLY. ITS EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING GUYS AND GALS. DECEPTIVE PEOPLFE SHOULDNT BE ON THE PLATFORM PEOPLE PUT HIS UGLY ASS ON SPEAKING TO AUDIENCES ABD LYING TO THEM. NO DECEPTIVE MAN SHOULD BE ACCEPTED INTO THE ROLE HE OCCUPIES FRAUDULENTLY. HE CAN TRY TO SUE ME AND BRING IT ON STEVEN, I WILL TRY TO BE THE SPARK THAT IGNITES THE FLAME THAT WILL BURN YOU TO THE GROUND AND ONLY DISCLOSURE YOU GUYS WILL GET IS THAT HE’S THE LIAR SCUMBAG I HAVE TOLD YOU AND THAT WAS A STAR WARS QUOTE BUT FELT THAT DESCRIBES MY INTENTIONS . IM THE GUY TRYING TO PROTECT YOU AND WARN YOU ABOUT STEVEN. AND ITS OBVIOUS AND YOULL THINK PEOPLE ARE TROLLING WHEN THEY SAY THAT PRAISE FOR HIM. F YOU DR GREER, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES TREATING PASSIONATE PEOPLE SEARCHING FOR TRUTH LIKE SUCKERS.
10/31/2021 09:01:18 pm
Hi David,
8/22/2022 01:52:47 pm
Thank you so much for confirming what I have already heard from a person, who had attended one of Greer's courses and found him incredibly arrogant, rude, dismissive and even on the verge of scary as he had raised his voice every time a person had asked a question during the allocated question time.
Come on man
2/22/2023 03:41:55 pm
Yes Dr Greer just might be arrogant and he may have told some lies in his life. I know for a fact he's not lying and I am not going to argue. The doesn't have to lie about this shit he is not trying g to impress you by lying. The reason is because he could care less what you think there lots that don't believe or only partially believe he tells what he knows about it and what do with it is on you but you don't have the right to try to lie yourself to these people. I am sorry if he said anything about anyone's family but the alien and government stuff is the real deal. You said you had an experience that seems kind of funny when you are on here spreading hate and hate is something that they want no part of or those who spread it! As they say. I am just sayin'
11/1/2021 06:54:53 am
I would not even attempt to argue with small minded people,what they do not understand they will ridicule,a little bit like the school yard bullies..this guy is more of a shill then troll even,he never once mentioned the people who say they have seen with their own eyes what happens,not one mention of the photo and video evidence and the fact Greer has worked with major agency's in why would agencies like CIA etc want him I wonder??? Not a mention of it.
12/21/2021 06:53:00 pm
My wife and I want to try it!!
Three finger Jackie
12/27/2021 02:00:14 am
Greer is a huckster and a fraud. He’s been pedalling this nonsense for decades. There are a number of individuals in this “alternative science” arena that play their audience for fools. When I used to listen to Art Bell in my teens (I’m in my mid 40’s now), I found some of these claims interesting. Of course it all becomes a load of shite when you realize these personalities are still making the same fantastical claims, maybe with a slight twist to keep it “fresh”, years and decades later. I’ve personally seen a couple of anomalies in the night sky during my lifetime that I have no way of explaining, but anyone with anything meaningful and productive going on in their lives would have no time for Greer’s brand of bullshit. I’m amazed at how many otherwise apparently intelligent people can get behind a charlatan like Greer, much less pay to do so. Give your heads a shake. At some point in life you surely must realize that where the rubber meets the road is what matters and the rest is basically a waste of one’s time.
Georgie Boy
3/3/2023 09:24:59 am
Bravo ! I could not have said it better myself
My father was the Master of the Boston Lodge AMORC (Rosicruscians) for several years and he explained to me that we are in fact, partly immaterial beings. He knew nothing about quantum physics but his lessons about the simultaneity of space, time and thought and its manipulations are pretty much in line with Dr Greer's opinions.
Dan Hardy
1/18/2022 12:23:06 pm
2 Masters? You can't spell, so I very much doubt anything you claim.
2/19/2022 02:42:14 pm
I really appreciate Robbert Zijlstra's insightful and non bias response. You are only expressing what you yourself experienced with your own eyes. Truly amazing. I can only imagine what that was like and how life changing it must have been as a group and individual to experience it firsthand. The main point of Dr Steven Greer's central principles are for unity with all living beings existing in peace throughout the cosmos by living enlightened and in doing so having free access to all undisclosed knowledge. That we the people have a universal birth right being all humans on the planet to the information being kept from the masses. We are all human and share this Earth and no matter a title of importance we are humans first and have to come to a better understanding of our purpose and place on this earth to live and exist in peace here on this planet and throughout the universe. I think the people in these comments are unfortunately thinking too plainly and are missing the main ideas by focusing too negatively on the minor unimportant aspects and are not going to be able to stand with progression if they cant get past their superficial focus. Peace to ALL Life and may we all find ways to live in peace and gain hidden/unacknowledged truths to the masses and free knowledge to all people.
2/28/2022 10:11:51 pm
The Review by Sean Boelman could not be any further from the truth. Total misinformation, Shame on you Sean!
4/20/2022 05:23:11 pm
Then simply submit the evidence to all and make believer out of us instantly... But, this never happens.
Jeremy P
5/27/2022 06:51:25 am
The fast and slow walkers are typical uap sightings. The thing is there are a lot of random people who have these encounters that don’t need the meditation. Is what he’s saying true, maybe. He did meet witch H zclu tin, and he did have exchanges with the rockofels. He has been shined by the et community for his outright greed. He also was in contact, and under liaison from someone in military intelligence. There are no actual real lists of his so called whistle blowers.
6/5/2022 12:19:49 am
Robbie drank the Kool Aid
7/7/2022 04:47:55 pm
Settled, aliens can not spell. Thanks guys.
8/14/2022 04:25:37 pm
‘the film is a two-hour-long info dump, much longer than any documentary about aliens has the right to be,’
Robert Amaya
8/15/2022 11:38:57 pm
Hello I'm curious as to how much did you pay for those two trips you went on with Mr. Greer? Thank you
John Menin
9/5/2022 08:32:49 am
The Greer's of the world are charlatans. Peddling drivel. Not one single concrete hard scientific fact. Not one. Never has been. These phonies rely on spurious assertions.
9/21/2022 12:24:31 pm
This is guy has proven to be a fraud. He used an airplane on the vero beach event.
9/27/2022 08:11:51 pm
There is something off about Dr. Greer, the reviewer in this article is pointing out many things that I also agree upon. You get an over all sense that Greer is indeed a false prophet and not genuine.
Dr. Robert Shulten
10/1/2022 11:55:05 pm
Well, with all those masters you have very poor grammar and a lot of spelling errors.
Don Maximus
10/4/2022 03:24:59 pm
Degrees do not lend credibility with respect to claims made about UAPs. Especially degrees in medicine, as with Greer. I think the review is fair.
12/18/2022 04:15:11 pm
Robert, neither of your masters was in spelling, clearly…
12/26/2022 07:45:11 am
You have no evidence of what you claim.
12/27/2022 07:06:24 am
You have two masters degrees but can’t even spell basic words.
Jacob anderson
1/13/2023 08:02:00 am
No way right Greer has been at this since before 2001 and he's on to something get off troll!!!
1/31/2023 12:27:14 am
Naief lol and 2 masters?
Melonie Montanaro
2/12/2023 10:03:26 pm
I agree with you. This guy doing this review is a complete conformed idiot. He is so trustful of his government and obviously is too dumb to know anything about science and physics. He is raising his vibration by means of meditation to therefore reach higher dimensional beings on higher frequencies because their vibration is higher and then let's them know where he is on the map and they respond. It's not rocket science. The fact that there are soamy galaxies out there and 700 quintillion planets at a guess but likely more scientists claim and the real nut job and idiot is the one who doesn't believe in beings from other planets knowing that many planets and galaxies are out there. To be so simple and close minded has to be a real drag. It is actually sad and to say these things about Dr. Greer a man who went through medical school and started a career as a medical doctor and got it started and had a successful medical career and to abandon that to feed people conspiracies and lies sounds in and of itself ludacris and it's just so ridiculous I actually laughed out loud reading this jokers terrible and untrue lie that he calls a review. Who would take this seriously? Not anyone with an IQ above 70 I hope and even then your barely operating as a conscious human being but still smart enough to know this is not some crazy conspiracy theory but the truth whether people want to believe it or not about their government because they are so immersed in the deception and lie. I have never been a conspiracy theorist my whole life and definitely never been a whack job and come from a long line of royalty both on my mothers side and on my father's and I hold a degree in business and HRM and am currently working towards my Masters in Psychology with an end goal of a PhD. I would imagine this reviewer would say I am all of these awful things too since I know and believe Dr. Greer and have experienced higher consciousness to know what truth is...and that he is speaking truth in everything he says and documents. He provides proof furthermore. Also, it's sad that people like this will have to find out when we have the great solar flash in the next couple of years for sure. This review should be taken down. It's just awful and infuriating!!!! ☮️
Hammer Toe Joe
9/25/2023 01:23:06 pm
What’s truly infuriating is gullible people who assume that because there are plenty of reasons to question what Greer says that somehow this questioning means that the questioner believes everything the government says. The fact that so many people believe without question so much of Greer’s drivel is far more concerning than relying on the intellectual wisdom of those who question his assertions AND question much of what the government says.
Nate Oayton
2/14/2023 07:51:35 pm
U mean the CSETI convention where he talks about how important he is for five hours? Or maybe the awesome sales pitch to get you to pay exponentially more for his “upgraded” seminar? I know! It must’ve been the CE-5 session where wet got to witness…nothing. That can’t be it. Oh wait, it has got to be the CE-5 app! The application that will save humanity! All for $9.99!!! Please spare me. He gives real ufologists a bad name.
Alicia Boxley
2/16/2023 07:51:23 am
Agreed Robbert,
2/22/2023 02:18:27 pm
History will show this mans value to humanity. He's one of very few. The following is pure speculation:
3/1/2023 09:45:42 pm
Thank you for a real deal person who was hands on and not some troll in their mothers basement writing off everything that has to do with LEAVING SAID BASEMENT lol I am honestly not sure if I 100% believe Mr. Greer myself however I do respect the man for being very passionate about something that interests him and taking it to the extreme to a point even where it generates income for him to live on don't we all want to do what we love and be paid to do it???so your not a troll sir your just an everyday H8R who moved from the club to the internet and tbh it is not wise in my opinion to immediately write off anything you see or hear as definitively FAKE!!I find it's best to keep an open mind towards most things that is the key to ADVANCEMENT AS A human being and as a asset to society that will grow and learn to the benefit of all of mankind as a whole if we could all be so open minded and eager to hear someone else out no matter how farfetched itay sound who am I to say definitively anything is anything NOBODY because tbh I haven't a clue how much of Mr. Greer's film is or is not true or false so what I can do then is listen intently and take it all in and make an educated decision as to weather or not I buy it all and do I??I do not but I dont pretend to KNOW either that it is all fake nor do I think ALL of it is fake so dude grow up stop h8n trolling and stop writing things off so quickly cuz they sound so beyond the normal for you THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ADVANCEMENTS IN MANKINDS HISTORY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MADE by people willing to hear things and keep an open mind and instead of dismissing ideas they experiment and try to see for themselves if it's plausible or not example everyone thought humans flying was insanity crazy talk like wizards and witches on brooms until someone took it seriously and attempted to see if he might could make it happen and look at us now airplanes dot the sky all day everyday in every major city in the world
George Bobb
3/3/2023 09:18:09 am
I gots mees one dem Docters degrees two.Ya'al think I'm dumb to butt yuse don't really no me,...Stepan Grarr is a phony
4/1/2023 10:13:26 pm
This reply is to @IndianGuy
Michael Celestino
4/5/2023 08:43:35 am
The irony of this reply is... Cosmic. If you were a "big sceptical" who would you be on a trip with Greer? What trip? When? Where? Perhaps I'm "naief" but I think your full of it. This film was extremely hard to watch for anyone with critical thinking skills and even the smallest ability to fact check and do research.
Howard Bamber
5/13/2023 05:50:46 am
Sir as You spell "naive" as "naif" despite an MBA and MA....
Brandon Gonzalez
6/11/2023 07:59:07 pm
Robert, Suami, Rachael well said Chaps👏 🥳! I literally could not have put it better my self.
6/19/2023 06:54:09 pm
Okay let’s look at this way. If we take away the alien talk and ufology there’s still very evidently visible corruption in our government!!!! Like Nichola Tesla’s discovery of the 0. Energy power grid that would have allowed us to have free energy. He had schematics that till this day proves that he ultimately solved the problem of having a free energy grid!!! Nichola Tesla was literally in the works of building this grid but JP Morgan chase completely cut his funding!!!! This is public record!!! Nichola was hit by a taxi cab and later died alone in hospital. The government confiscated all of his research and completely scrapped the FREE energy power grid to keep us in the society that has to depend on fuels and resources like gas, electricity, fossil fuel, wind turbines, and solar power energy grids which is destroying the earth slowly!!! Why do we have a way to make all those thing go away and replace it with something universal? It’s simply because of money, control, and power to keep us depending on all these big tech companies, big pharma companies ect. There’s mores to this then the ufology we can have a world that has free energy which will open infinite possibilities and ultimately transcends humanity into a new era. Please help us support this. The aliens or watever is just a small part of this!! Look into the guy that created the car that can run on water and see how he was murdered!!! We must stop this evolutionary halt it is a crime against humanity screw the alien part
Kevin Patrick
6/21/2023 02:52:57 pm
Anyone who believes our government is to be trusted should be b**** slapped twice, if you don't believe aliens really do exist also again with the slapping. Good job though, with the misinformed shoot Down tactics of the documentary, so sad you had to endure two hours of your waisted , educated life on what the world wants to know and will come to see as a new direction of our planet destroying lives. Black, Black ops need to be shelved.
7/2/2023 08:23:46 am
So much hate for a person who experienced such a life changing experience with Dr. Greer
Bigfoot Ed
7/2/2023 07:11:21 pm
Just because a person disagrees does not make them a troll. I have tried for years to allow Steven Greer and his ilk to get beyond his conspiracy laden ideas. Very difficult. First off just because something is unknown does not make it from another planet that is the major problem with these people. This movie was so boring I almost killed myself in the hope of finding out whether reincarnation was real or not.
7/20/2023 03:23:52 pm
The comments seem to be closed on this article, so I will post here. This article, like many things on the web, is just an opinion. I encourage everyone to watch Dr Greer, all of his movies, documentation, his press conferences. You can make up your own mind. But I personally admire the man and all of the government officials, etc. who have risked their lives and lost loved ones along the way. Some of their stories just bring tears to my eyes. But please watch and decide for yourself. Heck, even join a CE5 event and experience it for yourself.
7/27/2023 03:14:21 pm
How does one go about going on one of these encounters with Mr. Greer?
Hammer Toe Joe
9/25/2023 01:10:52 pm
Wow! Two graduate degrees and still lack the ability to write at that level. It’s easy to see how you would fall prey to a lot of the nonsense peddled by Greer for his financial gain. I think the review made it clear that there are some interesting pieces of information/research that essentially get lost in the nonsense.
10/2/2023 08:37:07 am
Fair point. If the doctor could condense the science and facts down to five minutes instead of vomiting out creepy lies for hours on end, I would appreciate it.
Greg Lipshus
12/7/2023 05:43:23 pm
Hi Guy`s, yeah it has taken me to realize at 67 Yrs what I ignored at 17, I just wish I was brave at that age, sorry for the spelling.
12/20/2023 08:14:59 am
You might have two Masters, but you need to do a short course in English language and get your spelling and grammar up to speed.
Ava Green
6/1/2020 07:02:45 pm
I completely understand your position, the truth seems preposterous after being lied to for your whole life. I hope one day you become more knowledgeable on the matter of ufology although it seems you consider it not worth your time to read about, despite writing this review.
6/18/2020 05:11:07 pm
if you try to show or theorized a zero point energy experiment for peoples 2000 years ago they literally will redicule you in terms of their current understanding because that even happen on old sceintists hundreds of years ago by being isolated.the problem on this reviewing is that its completely self opinion,if you are religious or follower of mainstream science you are exactly sheep who try to find some sceince mussai on the science community because this kind of concsiousness sceince will challenge your beliefs because you have been raised by the mainstream community to not dig this kind of metaphysical concepts until you experience it in first hand,REMEMEBER trying to know new things doesnt hurt peoples,you need to stop being limited,use your own brain mechanism not the mainstream community like a sheep.
8/14/2021 07:02:04 am
"if you try to show or theorized a zero point energy experiment for peoples 2000 years ago they literally will redicule you in terms of their current understanding " this hits the nail on the head. It is for this reason that it is not necessary to engage anyone who talks down on this topic. Not worth the energy to waste on people who are just not ready to know.
Tom Calarco
9/27/2020 02:20:45 am
I haven't seen this film and didn't know it existed until after I saw Unacknowledged.
Dana M Soule
1/4/2021 06:42:30 am
This is ridiculous. Anyone with an active brain, that uses it, knows that its impossible for there not to be life beyond us, in the great vastness of space. Furthermore anyone that has used meditation for their own personal development knows there are things to explore further in reguards to this. Also anyone that knows about the power of people coming together with similar motivations, can be more powerful than a single person with the same idea. Science recent studies into people meditating shows the physical changes you can induce through the skill of meditation. So i say to you read up on these subjects before u try to debunk for the government based off your opinions of the movie. Shows your blind obidience and ignorance.
1/12/2021 10:57:58 pm
The person who wrote this review is unconscious. Doesn’t meditate. Has no sense of what he really is. Projects that stuff outward. I’m a skeptic. And this documentary captured me. Those of us who do inquire and mediate see that there is a deeper seeing here, far beyond the shallow review here. Life out there? Yes. The question is do you look within? The universe is within you. Can humanity please move beyond this ridiculous self centered idea that it is the only and most important species in the universe. The earth is round (wink)
10/14/2021 03:50:59 pm
That is a very beautiful way to put it. I just started meditation myself. I'm not good at it yet but I have always felt such a deep connection to just earth and space as a whole and knew from a very young age we are all connected. I think my problem with meditation is not being able to just clear my head lol I will get in the zone then I'm like oh I have an appointment 4 months from now 🤣🤦♀️🤦♀️ I am not giving up though!
1/17/2022 08:14:08 am
👏 perfectly said Scott.
1/15/2021 12:12:28 am
I saw the documentary, and am deeply familiar with the Indian vedic teachings about consciousness. What Dr Greer said is in line with those teachings. Indian vedas do not explicitly talk about specific alien ships or how to communicate with them, but they use expressions like 'countless other beings, worlds' etc .. so I found nothing ridiculous or dismissable about it. Happy to look more at CE5
Eddy Fong
8/17/2022 07:11:55 pm
The onus is not on the author to disprove Greer if Greer has failed to produce substantive evidence of his claims, reviewed by peers under controlled conditions.
1/18/2021 02:32:43 pm
It's really sad, that most humans have been brainwashed my generations of mistrust, and misinformation.The truth lies not in what you have been taught, but rather, is found in deep meditation.
2/2/2021 06:25:29 am
Clearly this person is working on behalf of the military complex. Nice try!
Opinions vary; and thankfully my friend I do not share yours the author of this article.
The reviewer is basically ignorent and appearts to be living in a box. I have worked in aviation for 40 years so I have a pretty good idea what are man made air systems and what are not. I have personally witnessed two UFO events in my life that were eons in advance of terrestrial systems. They ARE out there and the sooner the media and public accept this and ensure that their governments adopt a friendlier approach to these visitors the safer we will all be.
Deb Blouin
6/22/2021 04:03:13 pm
Or you saw what you wanted to see. Eyewitness evidence is decidedly difficult to verify and self-reinforcing.
6/22/2021 06:15:14 pm
I completely agree. I see no supporting, concrete evidence of his claims. Yes, I have seen some strange things in my lifetime, but most of “his” so-called videos and pictures have appeared on other UFO documentaries. Therefore, absolutely nothing he said is unique in any way.
5/2/2023 07:55:36 pm
Well said!
2/15/2021 06:31:18 pm
Don't agree with every single detail this documentary presents the audience with however I'd be very appreciated for those who take part in these meetings and beckon these UFO or UAP (unidentified ariel phenomenon) if they reached out to a team of professional photographers and held more sessions during the day-time.
8/14/2021 07:15:47 am
just something interesting to ponder about for a few seconds..taken from Wikipedia:
Pablo Estaphopolous
3/31/2021 09:30:06 am
Completely agree. While I believe there is something out there the shaky images of flares, satellites and photgraphic artefacts prove this to be a scam. I'm sure in deep meditative states the conciousness can be made see anything. Through the cynical suggestion on willing and naive minds people have become convinced in something that does not exist, namely meditative communication with aliens. For information I absolutely believe there is life out there. Just not in this CE5 ballomy
Joseph D. Phillips
5/29/2021 11:54:13 pm
Exactly. There isn't a shred of proof of these so-called "extraterrestrials," and there never will be. Photograph a hub cap in the air, and a million goofballs will not only claim it as evidence of ETs, but will demand a government investigation of it.
Tom Calarco
5/30/2021 09:17:34 am
You need to stop being so arrogant and open your mind. There is something out there that can't be explained. Our own defense department has finally acknowledged it. Have you been paying attention to the many recent reports in the news, including 60 Minutes? There's little doubt that we are not the only intelligent life in the infinitely vast universe. Whether or not we are being visited is another question that has not been fully answered, but there is a ton of circumstantial evidence testifying to it.
Cole weppelman
7/29/2021 06:14:55 pm
Your an idiot. Space is never ending to think we are alone is fucking ridiculous. Open your mind. People of this planet are sheep and don't see the bigger picture. There is billions of galaxies , dimensions anything is possible in space I'm so stunned how you think everything is black and white and that humans are the end all be all. I'm here to tell you we are such a small part in the entire time in space, so underdeveloped. You cannot be serious to think we are the only ones.
Tim Graves
10/20/2021 01:31:20 am
All of these open minded, meditating people that need to list their education to solidify their point get very angry. Easily too.
Keep your eyes on the sky Mr Pablo, you won’t always capture it on film.
Chavon Jacqueline Austin
10/26/2021 04:16:20 pm
Very well said. I couldn't of said it better myself. Thank you I really appreciated what you said
Emily Barksdale
4/29/2021 05:53:05 pm
Anytime a documentary starts out quoting Tucker Carlson, it’s time to change the channel.
8/9/2021 05:18:03 pm
And THAT, students, is what the word "bias" means.
5/19/2021 01:22:59 pm
For years I've believed in much of the content of this documentary, such as multi dimensional and extra terrestrial beings. Meditative experience beyond this reality with other light beings do happen. I've had experiences and encounters that I cannot explain, happened as surely as I write this message. There are places in the world that seem to make these experiences happen easier, or more frequently, sometimes without trying during sleep. I have noticed this in my travels. Maybe reviewer needs to travel & start meditating as well. At first I didn't know many other people who had experiences or believed me, but now there are so many people having very similar experiences these days! That's enough proof for me.
6/28/2021 05:46:18 pm
Feel the same way about him haha. Go w your gut! Blessings brother
9/12/2021 05:06:41 pm
I to from a young age have believed in other life. It seemed completely absurd to think that there wasn't other intelligent beings in existence. People are convicted of serious crimes on far less evidence than is available for the ufo subject including witness testimony.
5/20/2021 04:56:16 am
My thoughts exactly. The majority of humans are simple and do not have the capacity to tell when someone is taking them for a ride. We are a gullible species.
Tom Calarco
5/24/2021 05:18:42 pm
Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement by the Pentagon. And if you haven't seen it, there was a recent segment on 60 Minutes about UFOs. Very sober and serious. There was general consensus from people in the military who were interviewed that UFOs are real and the technology they demonstrate is far in advance of what we have. But they wouldn't speculate on whether they are operated by aliens from another planet.
5/24/2021 12:36:57 pm
The comments to this review are the epitome of cultish behavior. We have Trumpites, militant anti-racists, and defenders of the fifth kind.
Tom Calarco
5/24/2021 05:20:12 pm
Read my post, Kurt. You're dead wrong.
6/7/2021 12:01:08 am
Despite what people say there isn't a single shred of evidence for the existence of ETI.
6/16/2021 10:12:12 am
Jordan, " there isn't a shred of evident of extraterrestrial intelligence" and yet you're willing to believe the phenomenon is real enough to be substituted by or defined with nouns as " Cherubim" or some santa-like God out there? I'm not sure which belief is worse
6/28/2021 05:42:25 pm
Are Cherubim and Angels beings with an Earthly origin? No. Hence they are Alien to earth. So yeah Aliens. That being said I too believe when ppl are referring to aliens they are referring to the same entities the Bible refers to angels/demons.. 2nd this article sucks. The whole point of the documentary is to empower the individual to no longer need a 3rd party perspective like this article or the documentary itself. The documentary insists you don’t take their word for it and empowers you to look into the phenomenon for yourself. It’s not asking you to believe any of it. It presents info then gives you the tools to check the credibility of the info for yourself This is so dumb.
6/23/2021 09:09:38 am
this review is troll. contact is in all of us. you hate filled human disappointment. i truly believe you died inside yourself. i hope this helps.
7/2/2021 04:16:00 pm
Worst review ever. Gives zero examples, as if they hadn't even watched the film. Nite: if you are going to criticize something, give at least one example. Bad mouthing someone isn't logically critique. You might as well have just said, "yo mama. This sucks" and ended the review. Terrible review even if any of your conclusions were accurate.
7/13/2021 01:06:37 am
What Dr Greer is teaching you to do is not something you want to be involved with you might as well get a Ouija board you can talk to the same "Aliens"aka "demons" he is summoning from Altair 4 aka "hades".
RJ…you can’t have your cake and eat it to. Your church teaches you that God created heaven; earth and hell. So now you believe in Aliens ?
7/13/2021 07:25:34 am
I don't care what you say if one person listens it's worth your ire. Dr Greer is involved in occult practices and he knows it. He even mentions it when one of his followers gets possessed during one of your "sessions". What does any of it have to do with Alien life and where does it say in the Bible that there is not life on other Planets? You assume much about me and like everyone else I am searching for the truth but this guy has latched on to the UFO community and introduced the occult under the guise of Aliens. Did you see that picture of that creature that supposedly healed the hearing of the elderly guy? You think that was an Alien? That was a straight up Demon and I am not going to sit back and not say anything like some coward NO I am going to call him out on his BS. I am not having my cake and eating it too I believe there are Aliens and there is ONE God and unless you can provide me evidence I am wrong shut your mouth. You are messing with the Occult and spiritual things that you do not understand. I knew I would get heat for these posts and that's fine I am not looking to exchange phone numbers with you but maybe just maybe one person will do a little digging for themselves before they get wrapped up in this stuff.
7/13/2021 05:59:04 am
I enjoyed the documentary and found it to be interesting and thought provoking right up to the point of the Government conspiracy piece. He lost me with the Ft Belvoir comments. His statements about SAP programs with no funding oversight and Aliens being inserted into the Government is totally unrealistic. I say this as a person who holds a TS/SCI clearance and who has worked SAP programs. There is other life out there, and the Government knows this to a certain extent, but there is much research yet to be done. If we could get past our two party bickering paradigm and focus on constructive dialog maybe some real progress could me made…
10/30/2021 11:55:41 pm
Behold, the voice of reason
7/13/2021 08:05:53 am
I do not believe many of Dr Greers followers understand what Kundalini Yoga is but here is a definition of it. This is what Greer is pushing in these gatherings so please tell me HOW does this have ANYTHING to do with extraterrestrials?
Bob; I have heard from many like you claiming to have this clearance and that clearance blah blah.
7/13/2021 11:34:20 am
Your emotionally based response says it all….
7/15/2021 08:55:25 am
Gavin wtf are you talking about how am I a delusional nut did you not read what Greer is doing? He is supposedly summoning Aliens from distant Worlds so you can have a personal relationship with them.... and I am the nut.. yeah ok freaking moron.
2/14/2022 08:35:19 pm
That is not what he's talking about or doing. This is a simple form of meditation. It doesn't require much to get to this state. Some real time and good intentions behind this kind of meditation is all that's being done. Being AWARE.... THAT'S ALL! I know how scary that may seem to some.. But no.. tapping into something that's connected to all. A way to bring together. A larger picture. And what yr talking about has been misconstrued as well. When someone is doing energy work or on that deep of a level. When someone is unable to control say there movements or sounds that is just trauma leaving the body. Actually quite simple and scientific.
My emotionally based response says it all Bob that’s right; that YOU are full of shit.
7/13/2021 09:04:20 pm
Suamig: no such thing as a SAP clearance, but you do need a TS to work a Special Access Program and in most cases a life style poly as well… not that you would know anything about that. Now be a good sheep and follow your delusional Shepard into the land of fairytales because you wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the real world outside of your troll basement.
Neither do you Bob ya knob because your full of SHIT. Anyone can look up and sprout your shit. The sheep is you and your shepherd the government that lies to you and you Bob up and down in compliance without one subjective thought. Ah Bob; wankers like you make the rest of us elevate. Now I won’t get dragged down to your level and beaten with your bullshit supposed Rambo experience. So Fuck off Bob you silly lying knob
7/15/2021 11:27:13 am
Suamig: sorry for the late reply, I was attending a classified meeting about aliens that was being held on Uranus… 😂
Bob Touchie
7/21/2021 05:24:04 am
I like to touch myself and watch this film
Cole w
7/29/2021 06:18:49 pm
I don't mean to be a jerk but seriously to think we are the only ones in the entire space and time is insane. Anything is possible. The government has confirmed existence finally as well so everyone's entitled to there opinion but there's facts and evidence to prove it.
7/31/2021 03:25:57 am
the one we really have to ask for answers is the current Cancerman…
8/7/2021 11:52:33 am
Whoever wrote this article is a bitter stupid moron. You need another way to make a living because you are too stupid for this.
Neal Letour
8/24/2021 06:31:45 pm
It just goes to show any IDIOT who needs attention can write a review with zero credibility.
8/28/2021 01:58:17 pm
There were a lot of truths about the spreading of fear and agent Doty staging abductions and reports to steer people away from projects. Made nut bags do their job for them. Others it’s simply sleep paralysis. But the staging and misinformation, that is nothing new and at times rather obvious.
9/8/2021 09:23:18 pm
It’s mind boggling how several individuals here attacking one another because of spelling, or one making fun of someone because of their name ( trying I guess to prove individuals that English is their second or third language are lesser than natives wow). Then I read people attacking Dr because of his portfolio and saying he is greedy etc.
9/19/2021 07:36:05 pm
9/28/2021 08:33:36 pm
This review doesnt actually say anything? It makes claims about false statements and pseudoscience but supplies absolutely nothing to back them up, at all. Its the written equivalent of a stuffy guffaw - stereotypical of a certain type of person and possessing zero meaning. The sheer volume of Dr Greer's evidence and calibre of what you call his alleged or so called whistleblowers couldnt be stronger. Dr Greer has been working to create full disclosure to the public since the 1970s but because he produces three documentaries over the last five yrs or so he's in it for the money. Your review is wordy but utterly meaningless in evety sense of the word.
10/9/2021 08:56:58 am
I was just wondering what these alien life forms are actually feeling about us? I mean they appear to be totally indifferent regarding human suffering quite honestly. They travel through these galaxies in fantastic interdimensional starships and see earthlings meditating in a group and they show their spaceships and sometimes their bodies and flash a lot of lights and they help everybody get in contact with themselves and appreciate the vastness and unity of the universe and all that really nice stuff. But is there any possibility maybe they could slip a little note under the door, figuratively speaking of course, and perhaps just give us the cure for childhood cancer or any other diseases maybe you think? They don't seem to have any problem telling anybody that they're from the Andromeda galaxy. They're able to communicate with us. I don't expect them to smash all the battleships and destroy all the armies , but I don't think maybe giving us some type of a way make the world just a little better and help our children would be that bad or too much to ask for? Just saying .......
10/12/2021 11:29:18 am
dr talking about aliens, what a sham !
10/14/2021 06:38:44 pm
There are known cures for cancers and a car on the news showing The Stanley Meyer Car running off of water but those amazing inventors are not alive any more. We have been given zero energy technology and every cure imagined.
10/26/2021 02:19:29 am
I just watched the documentary "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind".
1/1/2022 04:56:05 am
Wow!!!I 100% felt the exact same way when I watched this documentary!! I’m like boy it sure does sound like how all these “ghost hunters” make “contact” with spirits!!!! How do we know it’s any different or if it’s all been the same entities all along (spirits of humans passed on or aliens) also was SUPER disappointed at the end with the “infomercial feel” ruined the whole amazing documentary!!!
10/31/2021 09:15:53 pm
EXTREMELY biased author...
11/25/2021 07:51:10 pm
I just finished watching this video. It is better put together than some of the UFO documentaries I have viewed in the past. As a Christian I have always been advised that we should test all things when it comes to matters of the spirit. And why not... authentication of any unknown entity is wise. In fact, you will even find that Jesus Christ himself shows good examples of how deception can be validated and ultimately rooted out. I have no doubt that experiences have occurred for most people that are looking into this aspect when meditation principles are practiced. But when even the Bible mentions that spirits can appear as forms that are of the light and attractive, it does not validate or authenticate a spiritual entity. Combine this with the fact that ancient knowledge is stored up in any of these entities that can have material impact on reality which seems to be a recurring theme in this documentary. I know of Christian missionaries that have witnessed levitation of people who are connected to spiritual forces. It's nothing new really. There are fallen entities around and so I implore anyone to read what the Bible says about these things. Test them. Ask them 'who is Jesus Christ' and who he was. If it does not line up with the scriptures then you are dealing with a fallen entity and you should tell it to leave and never come back.
Jonathan Knaak
12/10/2021 05:05:32 am
Anyone that expects a documentary to be full of special effects and exciting Hollywood movie magic might as well have their own double digit IQ tattooed on their forehead! Ironically, this review supports a theory that came to me a few days ago while I watched a different documentary with someone else present. I'm probably the only one that hasn't noticed this before and ive probably just been oblivious to it right in my face but I realized how boring documentaries are if the viewer isn't intelligent enough to comprehend the information in the film... I've always loved learning about anything I haven't already and love documentaries. This one was honestly more exciting and captivating for me than any Hollywood action story ever was
12/29/2021 05:15:04 am
Sure it’s easy to go back and forth on spelling or lack there of..Maybe the way some took his demeanor as egotistical or money bound but I’m pretty sure no one in this peanut gallery (including myself) has had the cahoons to maybe get quiet and down to the medative state, like suggested, and try to make contact just to see what might happen? Lmao let me know if someone does
Melonie Gibson
3/13/2022 04:27:08 am
Hey Julie, I agree. I try it all the time because I would love to make contact and me and my daughter actually got out in the yard on our 4 acres and walked the entire property line until we found a spot that would be good to meditate and where we could see the sky... We got into a meditative he state and then started trying to pinpoint where we were and then began seeing all kinds of lights zipping back and forth in the sky that we couldn't explain. Now I don't know if it was other worldly beings or not because our meditation was interrupted several times but it very well wasn't a plane or star so I don't know! Haha 😆 Interesting though, either way.
1/3/2022 05:24:13 pm
I really want to believe, watched the documentary and some really interesting facts plus some really good video proof, watching all of it convinced me that Dr Greer its not about money and just want to open people's minds, however jumped straight on the app store to download the app and try all of this myself and seen that his app is one of the most expensive apps on the app store! £8.99? People work a week or a month in some countries to earn that sort of money? If he is not doing it for money why is he charging so much money for a simple app? Maybe the answer is app development? Even though he could have charged $1 or$2 for the app he went for a lot more than that.... Well that put me off and i now see him the same as i see the rest... Just trying to get rich by selling ideas to people that are looking for an answer to the same old question... "are we alone in the universe"?
1/10/2022 02:11:58 pm
The real question here is how is it that Dr. Greer is the only person on this planet who has the ability or figured out how to communicate with UFOs, summon them at will, and knows everything about alien communication and technology?
8/22/2022 02:10:33 pm
He thinks we are all so stupid and we will fall for this all, specially the magic dr.will buy him credibility!
1/11/2022 12:22:46 pm
As far as I'm concerned Dr Greer is a legend, and probably one of the most intelligent humans since Albert Einstein
3/13/2022 04:14:39 am
You got that right! I agree. Dr. Greer is amazing and smart and I don't think he is the only person on the planet. Maybe he is the only person on the planet who has came forward with this information or maybe he is the first... Who cares. Humans are still babies in the sense of things so it's not like we have been around for the entire history of earth or other planets. Come on. That is responding to the guy above saying why is Dr. Greer the only one who has figured this out about how to contact aliens... I don't think he is the only one. I think people have known this like our ancestors because they were so much more intelligent than us about a lot of things and didn't have tv and radio and the entire nation or world influencing their everyday thoughts. We can't even think for ourselves because we are so influenced by social media and tv and phones and internet and blah blah blah. It's annoying and superficial and fake and phony. Dr Greer is intelligent and all the people who are fast to judge .... Let's talk about you and what you do for a living because I don't see you on tv talking about anything of importance or making history in any kind of significant way. Sitting home on your computer posting judgy comments all day by the way is not a way of making history or helping mankind in any kind of way. What Greer is doing is actually trying to advance human kind and get us out of the muddled like state we are walking around in. Gosh people are just dumb. I can't take it. Go lemmings... Follow and fall straight off that cliff. Please so we don't have to listen to your dumb and conformed point of views, or copied points of view anymore! Copied straight off the 5 o' clock news 🤣🤣🤣🤣(the viewpoints of mainstream society followers) How dull and boring you must be!!!! I would be jealous of Dr Greer too and all he is achieving and accomplished and will accomplish! I actually started a space on Quora was just discussing Dr Greer and what he is doing with the disclosure project and that was of course before I read any of this... I would spread what he is teaching all day and to everyone and matter of fact, I do!!! My daughter is 15 and we both are firm believers in what he is teaching and will not waiver. We support him 100% and would love to be a part of one of his meditations!!!
Gina Dee
5/7/2023 10:05:46 am
💕 I’ve just read up to Jesus, all night here it’s 6:22am in CJ OR after watching Dr. Greer on GAIA Events; CE5 Contact series.
I have called these guys like 5 times to inform them that I am an Alien, having arrived here 4,000 years ago. They refuse to check me out. They think I'm playing games or am just a nutjob. I thought they'd be thrilled to have the opportunity to hang with the Real Deal. I know all those cats who do their glinting runs in earth's atmosphere: Frankie, Hankie, Bart, Jose and them dudes. Rowdy Boys, we call 'em at home base. I have all the proof they need. I've made documentaries featuring UFOs, meditation experts, my space gloves and everything!
The real Jesus
1/25/2022 03:39:06 am
They are fallen angels. Do not trust them. Read Genesis chapter 6. The gates have been opened and they are coming. The end times are at hand.
Melonie Gibson
3/13/2022 04:21:27 am
Please.... You can't be serious? Fallen angels? Those are aliens not fallen angels.. our ancestors would've seen them as "gods" or labeled them fallen angels when their space ships crashed. 😆 You believe in beings with wings but not alien civilizations more advanced than us???? Um.... am I the only person that sees something wrong with this picture. I feel sorry for all of you people. I truly do. I'm not being mean though. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs so whatever helps you get through the day man. Right on 😵💫🥱🤘🏼👌🏽👍🏼🌛✨🖖🏽👽✌🏽☮️
2/25/2022 01:13:37 pm
Sean Boelman! How many Documentaries have you done? Have you earned a PhD in anything?
Terrible way to debunk truth, especially from a man who only wants to world to come together and see sense and be good to each other.
4/17/2022 05:20:27 am
I nearly fell asleep reading this small minded review. I bet you’re the life of every party 😴
4/28/2022 10:15:03 pm
Oh just admit you are a troll. And I have 3 masters.
Patrick Lockwood
5/6/2022 02:23:18 pm
Someone higher up in the military or the government whom he reported to as given a briefing said that dr. Greer did not brief him but he only met him for a moment and this according to dr. Greer was a "briefing".
7/5/2022 05:51:27 pm
Watched the movie, watched Unacknowledged too. A review like the author posted is par for the course, given the subject material.
8/1/2022 11:49:23 am
I can't believe the level of ignorance in the main review. It's an utterly personal opinion limited by the lack of knowledge and awareness beyond the physical existence. Those with the mind closed will never let themselves accept the truth. So sad, Sean B! So sad to learn that you are basically a MUGGLE.
Mr Swain
8/7/2022 04:24:49 pm
Has to be THE most boring drawn out "documentary" I've ever watched. The UFO footages are just eye candy for the most part. Honestly I gave up after 40 mins. He came across as America's answer to Billy Meier. (Don't get me started on his contact BS).
8/22/2022 02:17:45 pm
Imagine someone had found out Dr Greer in your viewing history!!!
8/27/2022 10:25:08 pm
After all the grammar and spell check comments, I got tired and did not look at very many comments about the movie itself.
9/2/2022 03:10:13 am
Not Speaking for the Richard Dolan who has studied the history of UFOs and the paranormal for 35 years but as one of his followers and mediators on his site i can say that S Greer has played a vital role in disclosing the governments coverup and agenda. The Wilson Davis document and conversation with Greer will be the turning point for Congressional Disclosure with Dr Eric Davis all but confirming it today. Greer as most high profile people thinks his way is the only way and doesn’t give any latitude to people in disagreement with him. Logically all ETs cannot be peaceful. It’s easy to dismiss things that require investigation to get to the truth without investigating. So good on S Greer for all his work but i disagree with much of his conclusions not all. Won’t be watching the doco seen it all before. m
10/11/2022 11:04:06 am
This is not an accurate review of the film or description/representation of Dr. Greer. Whoever wrote this was likely paid to right a piece like this about it and didn’t actually watch. Anyone who watches it that isn’t part of the community trying to hush this information, would believe the science and evidence that proves these theories and experiences. It is far more profound the the evidence against, and truthfully the doubters and silencers prove this to be real and true more and more every day. Don’t listen to this nonsense, watch it for yourself
Pat Toohey
11/3/2022 09:56:37 am
Greer gives people a method to attempt contact that:
11/8/2022 03:44:33 pm
There are devils and demons angels and spirits. I am a monster torn between all of them. At least I know what I am. I am everyone's worst nightmare/ literally. All your nightmares you never understand and wonder how those thoughts could ever pass through your mind. Like I said I am your worst nightmare... ... ... ...
Robert Gear
11/21/2022 09:03:56 am
I watched his movie and it would appear the review is actually correct! Steven Greer is stealing people’s money! Please I would suggest that him and his followers get with a very good counselor that’s is my opinion!!
11/23/2022 12:32:31 pm
This "reviewer's" outlook on life is sad and limited.
Alan Highneck
11/30/2022 07:21:32 pm
Dr. Greer says the ETs take over Control of ALL electronic devices at a CE5 gathering.
12/5/2022 09:33:57 pm
Firstly thank you Pat Toohey for the mild and peaceful manner you use to refer to all who commented without attacking or insulting anyone. The spiritual quality needed in us all for humans to survive and facilitated by the meditative practices ( with which I am familiar at any rate).
Richard Conrad
1/12/2023 06:27:26 pm
Greer is absolutely correct. How do I know? Because Ive had several contact experiences myself. Experience is key. Nobody will, nor should they believe until they have the experiences themselves. Ive astral projected for decades. Do people believe me? Mostly no. Do I care if they believe me? Not at all because I am the first to tell you “believe only your own experience.” It is that simple. Most skeptics are closed minded solely because they've never had any psi experience themselves. Skeptics are good at saying “no” but they also cannot prove one is lying. Only when a skeptic has personal experiences themselves will they begin to awaken to true understanding.
Jack Jack
1/13/2023 12:26:53 am
There be crazies here!
Marc R. Davis
1/14/2023 03:27:49 am
1/14/2023 07:59:38 am
Interesting that you’re from Hawaii. I lived in San Diego, California for a few years and always thought it was the flakiest place on earth. But it isn’t. Hawaii is!
Peter King
1/22/2023 05:44:38 pm
I believe in the truth and fact.I believe in extra Terrestrials and I believe in Dr Greer. This article pertains to the year 2013 a substantial amount of justifiable evidence has been revealed on this subject since then. Ten years is a long time to upgrade research on this subject and I believe we are getting very close to being exposed to the truth of this matter.I am convinced of the presence in our skies of about 20% of the space craft stories visiting from other Galaxies.I have never witnessed a UFO/UAP craft at any time, but I could write a good story that would convince the reader that I have.I accept some Governments are hiding Alien bodies,dead or alive and their space craft, so if they are and are now publicly promoting the broad acceptance of their presence show us the evidence.
Kenneth Ente
3/2/2023 09:33:09 pm
7/17/2023 07:30:30 pm
Amen. What is so harmful about just keeping an open mind and considering different possibilities? We have been programmed by society to believe that it makes us crazy to think that way when in fact, the scientific method that scientists use to perform experiments is just that. You don’t have to believe it’s reality. Just consider it a possibility until it’s proven not to be. It only becomes crazy or a conspiracy theory when you claim it to be reality without proving it to be first.
3/4/2023 05:22:55 am
How many degrees do doctors have? Have you seen there spelling, let alone able to read what they write?…
3/8/2023 12:49:35 pm
… I am truly fascinated by these concepts and millenniums of far eastern philosophy and anthropology definitely corroborates this documentary’s implications…i still have reverence for and hold no resentment towards dr greens self appointed extrasensual hierarchy ….and would’ve probably sacrificed my own career to “follow muhammads instructions to make salat” with these interdimensional beings if he wasn’t just A main player and producer of a “ALIEN RULES OF ENGAGEMENTS AND DIALOGUE “. Which DR GREEN CHARGES ALL OF HIS DISCIPLES AT LEAST 10 DOLLARS TO BE A PART OF…..FUCK OFF AND EAT AN INTERDIMENSIONAL DICK , YOU GUMP
7/17/2023 07:44:33 pm
Started in the 60s actually. Americans just had to travel to the East to experience then. Steve Jobs for example. It’s now popular now with younger generations and millennials because the information is now available and easily attainable here for the first time in history thanks to computers and phones. If it had been available in the past as easily, prior generations would have been into it too. Eastern philosophy actually parallels western psychology and western modern science that was only discovered in the last century whereas it’s been around for thousands of years. It’s just worded in a way that’s easier to understand. Also, Jesus actually taught eastern philosophy and much of it is actually in the Bible. Buddha and Jesus taught very similar things.
3/27/2023 08:01:23 am
I can't believe that review, and all the trash talk here. Either watch his films and follow him and others in his films or don't...but all the whistle blowers he interviews personaly are all very credible people. He doesnt interview random civilians, not to discredit anyone's claims. But he's trying to pull the veil of secrecy away from from our eyes and create universal peace. Because as of right now e.t.'s don't want shit to do with us. Untill this older b.s. generation is no longer in power, these sociopaths. Much love for Dr. Greer!
Emile de Jonge
6/3/2023 04:53:02 am
Dr. Greer is the Jim Bakker of UFO religion.
7/17/2023 07:21:51 pm
I’ve seen things too but it’s called “Encounters of the 5th Kind” which isn’t seeing UFOs in the sky. It’s making contact with them personally which is what the mediation is about. Meditation isn’t anything mystical or crazy. It’s scientifically proven to help people in a number of different ways. The most important benefit of meditation is it simply allows us to quiet our minds which allows us to transcend our egos and override our monkey brains that have taken control of us instead of us controlling it. Once you do that, you can connect to the real you rather that the illusion of self your ego created throughout your whole life. The illusory self is made up of materialism. It’s what your ego believes other people will like and be impressed by. Your ego self is a follower. It’s a fake poser who follows trends and does what everybody else does. Once you realize that recognize it and transcend it, you become real and genuine and original. And before you scoff and call this bullshit, the illusory self and ego is literally psychology 101 and every psychiatrist and therapist is taught and knows about it. It’s not just some spiritual mumbo jumbo. If you think meditation is bs, look up mindfulness. Being present in the moment. That is in itself a type of meditation that does expand your consciousness and awareness. Meditation is scientifically proven to work. UFOs are seen and are reality. They would have to be lifeforms much more advanced and older than us so of course they would have a more evolved state of consciousness. It would make sense that people who meditate and have higher states of awareness and consciousness would be the ones they would prefer to communicate with. They would be the lesser threat. So what is ridiculous about it? There’s nothing wrong with keeping an open mind. All you have to do is consider that something may be possible. You don’t have to accept it as reality just consider that it may be possible. Don’t just call something ludicrous or ridiculous because it simply goes against what you’ve been programmed to believe by society and religion and your government. In 20-30 years, new discoveries and info will be taught so no one knows what is fact or fiction.
7/17/2023 06:54:10 pm
What I find funny is that this article provides absolutely no evidence or proof to backup the accusations of lies and deceit that this “writer” is accusing Dr. Greer of. It’s nothing more than some close-minded individual’s personal, negative opinions. It could also possibly be an attempt to steer people towards disbelief who have watched the movie. I have watched it several times. I am totally fascinated by human consciousness and meditation. I love reading any books that I can find on the subject as well as spirituality and different religions. I’ve noticed a lot of patterns in different religions and spiritual beliefs. Also patterns in quantum physics and spirituality. It’s no surprise that scientists are now finding that meditation and Eastern religions and spiritual practices are being proven correct through science now that we have started diving deeper into quantum physics. So much of what was thought to be true in history and science when I was growing up has now been proven wrong. So, how can we judge what is “pseudoscience” or actual reality? The scientists and historians who have been laughing and rolling their eyes at what they have judged to be “pseudoscience” or in history, “legends” are now being proven wrong more and more everyday. I think mankind is currently on the cusp of finding out some incredible discoveries in science and history and those discoveries are going to change everything forever. It’s important to always keep an open mind and don’t just roll your eyes and stomp on what you see and hear when it doesn’t align with your idea and understanding of reality that was programmed into you by society. It’s not crazy to consider possibilities and experiment. That’s what scientists do. You don’t have to 100% believe it to be reality. Just consider whether or not it’s plausible. It’s only pseudoscience or conspiracy theories when you believe it to be reality.
John Daniels
7/25/2023 11:20:07 am
i’m not well educated, but
jeffrey g. buchalco
7/26/2023 06:10:10 pm
i have completed my design for a electromagnetic wave powered ouija type communication board with both receiving and transmitting capability! i plan to employ or enlist 'alien' and or - 'interdimensional' entities to 'spy' on world governments and defend my independence from 'all threats' both foreign and domestic!
8/22/2023 02:20:02 pm
This is a joke 😂😂😂😂 troll.. I used the protocols and nearly every time I have close encounter
Stephen Long
9/11/2023 09:04:42 pm
You claim Greer does it for profit. His C.E 5 app is free to download. It's clear the contempt you hold for the Steven Greer. This article doesn't read as a difference of opion, but an attempt to discredit and smeer the good doctor.
10/11/2023 05:47:46 pm
Obviously you are filled with fear. You need some warm prune juice for a good cleansing .
4/14/2024 08:40:03 am
This review is obviously deliberately negative , undermining and insulting.
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