Review by Camden Ferrell A Tear in the Sky is a movie that will have no trouble finding its very niche audience regardless of what anyone says about it. This documentary is directed by Caroline Cory who has prior experience in making movies about extraterrestrial life and the unexplained phenomenon of this world. This movie may be fascinating to those particularly interested in the science and pseudo-science of UFO’s and UAP’s, but most others will see this for the poorly made, uninteresting, and highly misleading documentary that it truly is. The movie documents a team of military personnel, scientists, and William Shatner as they attempt to learn more about UFO’s and other space anomalies. They use military grade equipment to capture and analyze data in an effort to uncover the truth about this phenomenon. As mentioned before, this has a very niche audience, and it feels so vague in what it’s trying to say that it falls flat and fails to distinguish itself from other similar documentaries. The subjects of this documentary all seem like they’re genuinely buying into what they’re selling which is at least the slightest bit authentic. However, in front of the camera, everyone involved feels very awkward and out of place. It’s clear that their scripted conversations are scripted because of how unnatural and uncomfortably paced the whole thing is. In addition to that, William Shatner’s appearance is confusing more than anything. He doesn’t really participate in any of the observations and data collection, but he’s there to mainly do occasional one on one interviews with the director. Content aside, this movie is poorly constructed. It features the cheesiest stock music ever that doesn’t even fit with the story it is trying to tell. Its effects with green screen and their attempt to animate what they’re explaining feels like it was done by inexperienced students who are testing this out for the first time. The edits are weird, and the whole thing is horribly paced. It has the same energy and feel of a poorly directed corporate educational video for new employees. This would undermine its overall message and story if it even had a strong one to begin with.
The data they collect feels so inconsequential and trivial, and it gets tiresome to hear these people try and spin their shoddily interpreted data to fit whatever narrative they’re trying to sell. They make such astounding leaps in logic that it practically invalidates anything else they say. It’s weak logic and experimentation, and it’s just unentertaining for viewers. If anything, it would have been more enjoyable if they embraced how unrealistic and jarring their message is and made the film into a campy style documentary. A Tear in the Sky will find strong proponents easily, but most viewers should stay away from this nonsensical documentary that feels bloated despite being under ninety minutes. It’s a mess on a filmmaking front as well as a scientific front, and it’s just an unpleasant experience. This might be something for huge UFO enthusiasts to watch, but everyone else need not apply. A Tear in the Sky is on VOD May 3. Rating: 1/5
Mark Grudzinski
9/28/2022 12:52:23 pm
This review confirms my suspicions after watching the trailer. The premise of supplying 3 teams at 3 locations a wide variety of telescopes and sensors is really interesting. However, it has all the trappings of any other sensationalistic UFO documentary. The cheesy dramatic music, the jump cuts, and Shatner... why Shatner?!? It's a shame because the idea behind it could yield impressive results if those 3 teams could monitor that patch of sky for a year and not 5 days.
6/29/2023 11:07:16 am
I must agree. I came to this after having watched an interview with Ms. Cory, but I have to admit that the channel I saw it on is equally for fringe audiences buying everything they get served.
11/20/2024 12:32:05 am
This isn't a documentary about UAP's, it's a documentary about our government's suppression of military personnel.
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